“Who do you pray to? He just saved your son!”
Everyone has a story. Each story is unique, and yet there are significant commonalities. Recently a nationally syndicated radio show featured the miraculous healing story of Troy’s son Tylor. On this episode of The Faith Debate Troy and Jon share their reflections and play for you the segment as it aired on the radio program called “Our American Stories”.
You can also link directly to the feature, as heard on Our American Stories by clicking here. (If the link fails, here’s the url that can be copied and pasted into your address bar: http://www.ouramericannetwork.org/story?title=Dr-Asks-Mother-Who-Do-You-Pray-To-They-Just-Saved-Your-Son). Note: The picture used by the national show’s website is not Tylor. Below you can see a picture of the real deal (along with the rest of the family).
The panel:
Troy Skinner. 930 WFMD Host/Moderator of The Faith Debate.
Jonathan Switzer. Past-President of Frederick’s Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Founder of “Frederick 48”, former candidate for School Board in Frederick County, Founder of Crossroads Valley Church, and most recently Founder of Bridges in Frederick County.
Link to Faith Debate podcasts on iTunes here. Stream, Share, Download, and Embed past shows using the WFMD “Audio Vault” here.