Basics about the Bible
How have disparate cultures understood the Scriptures historically? For example, Jewish vs. Christian, Alexandria vs. Antioch in the patriarchs, Rome vs. Constantinople, and Rome vs. Protestants. During this show we’ll probably need to establish, early on, the basis for accepting that different groups might find themselves inclined to interpret the scriptures in different ways. Here are some questions we’ll work to tackle:
What are the various ways one can view the Bible? (Book, Library, Story, Invitation)
What sorts of “big picture” principles should inform one’s interpretation? (Setting, Geography, History, Archaeology; for the OT, for the NT)
What place do extra biblical works have in the discussion, and how should “canon” be understood?
The panel:
Troy Skinner. 930 WFMD Host/Moderator of The Faith Debate.
Jonathan Switzer. Past-President of Frederick’s Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Founder of “Frederick 48”, former candidate for School Board in Frederick County, Founder of Crossroads Valley Church, and founder of BRIDGES.
Michelle Rader. Lead Elder at Damascus Road Community Church, and student pursuing a Master of Arts in Theology degree from St. Mary’s College.
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