Museum of Civil War Medicine Rebranding: Considers Removing Confederate Flag from Logo

They’re conducting a survey for possible options.

Frederick, MD – The National Museum of Civil War Medicine is looking to rebrand their logo, encapsulating the organizations three locations.

Civil War Medical Museum Director David Price was a guest on WFMD’s Morning News Express with Bob Miller and said the current logo causes confusion and inconsistencies between the three locations.

“Our story has expanded,” Price said. “We need to make a logo that reflects that.”

The organization currently operates three locations: The Civil War Medicine museum in Downtown Frederick, the Pry House Field Hospital Museum in Antietam, and the Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum in Washington D.C.

The museum experienced controversy surrounding the logo in 2016 when the DC Tourism Bureau rejected using an ad for the museum in their visitors guide because of the inclusion of the confederate flag.

Price said he wouldn’t change the ad because it represents the history of what the museum is all about.

“Everybody usually ends up agreeing ‘Hey, the only right place for [the flag] is a museum,'” Price said. “Well, we are a museum.”

Price said the rebranding would occur even if the logo didn’t have the confederate flag in it.

“We’ve grown from one location to three locations,” Price said. “And our story has grown too.”

Price said they are currently conducting a survey and asking people for ideas on rebranding.

“Go on there, give your opinion, and we’ll take it,” Price said. “We’re getting good response.”

You can take the logo survey at


By Timothy Young