Sheriff Says He Expects No Calls To Defund Police In Frederick County


He also says he’s starting an investigating division within the School Resource Officer program.



Frederick, Md (KM) There have been calls around the country form demonstrators and some political leaders to defund local police departments. During an appearance on WFMD’s “Success Happens,” Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins responded to that. “I don’t expect in Frederick County to see or even to have the conversation about defunding,” he says. “I don’t speak for the County Executive. I really don’t expect that to be part of the conversation.”

Jenkins also noted that the Sheriff’s Office and other law enforcement agencies are always being handed more responsibilities. “We keep inheriting additional responsibilities. We don’t ask for them, but they fall our way,” he says. “It’s not a good conversation even to start. Let’s look at how we can improve things; not take the legs out from under us.”

On another topic, the Sheriff says he has enough deputies for the School Resource Officer program. He says there are two SRO’s at Urbana High, two at Tuscarora High, and a second deputy  will be assigned to Governor Thomas Johnson High School, and another at the Heather Ridge School.

“Also, what we’re going to do now is create  an investigative division for the SRO’s,” he says. “They open an investigation that takes them out of the school. I hand that off to an investigator and keep that SRO on post in his or her high school.”

Sheriff Jenkins also says he feels “really good” that he will have adequate coverage in Frederick County Public Schools.

You can hear the entire interview on Saturday on “Success Happens” on WFMD beginning at 9:00 AM.



By Kevin McManus