No new deaths to report.
Frederick, Md (KM) The numbers continue to look good for Frederick County when it comes to COVID-19. . The Health Department reports 2,567 confirmed cases of the coronavirus as of Thursday afternoon. That’s an increase of 14 from Wednesday. The number of deaths has remained steady at 113. .
The County’s seven-day positivity rate is 2.1%. . That’s the percentage of people who’ve tested positive for the coronavirus out of all of those tested over the past seven days.
In a statement, county officials say residents are heeding the advice to wear face coverings, and maintain a social distance from other people. . But citizens are reminded not to let down their guard as the COVID-19 virus remains highly contagious.
According to county officials, there have been more than three-million people across the country who’ve tested positive for COVID-19. The number of coronavirus cases continues to increase in other parts of the country, especially, Florida, Texas and Arizona. There is no vaccine, and medicine to treat the infection is in short supply. There are shortages in personal protective equipment for health workers due to the high demand, which makes it difficult for Frederick County to rebuild its inventory.
“Together, we can be proud to have made great strides to reduce the spread of the virus in our community,” says County Executive Jan Gardner, in a statement. “We can continue to control the spread and keep our families and community as safe as possible if everyone does their part. Wear masks, stay apart and wash you hands.”
For those who want a test for COVID-19, here is a list of upcoming clinics:
* Thursdays in Brunswick at Railroad Square from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
* Fridays in Thurmont at the municipal building parking lot, 615 East Main Street, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
* Saturdays at 101 West All Saints Street in Frederick, the parking lot of the Asbury United Methodist Church from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
* Tuesdays at the Seton Center, 226 Lincoln Avenue in Emmitsburg, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
The Frederick County Health Department says the testing is free, and no appointment is necessary. Patients will need to wear masks, and social distancing will be practiced. They don’t need any doctor’s orders, insurance or documentation.
For more information go on line to
So far, the Health Department says 10.9%of the population has been tested for COVID-19.
By Kevin McManus