Preliminary Work Underway On Installing Speed Cameras On Christophers Crossing

The Frederick Board of Aldermen designated that area as a school zone.









Speed cameras will be going up along Christophers Crossing. Frederick Police say the Board of Aldermen last week designated that stretch of roadway between Moran Drive and Crestone Drive as a school zone, which means speed cameras can be placed at that location. That area is near St. John’s Regional Catholic School.

The eastbound and westbound sections of Christophers Crossing are both eligible for speed camera enforcement. Preliminary work is underway to finalize the locations, and they will be appropriately marked in accordance with state law prior to their activation.

When asked at a Board of Aldermen meeting whether the cameras could be in operation in time for the first day of classes at   St. John’s Regional Catholic School, Lt. Sean Carr with Frederick Police said it would be “close.”

The current locations with speed cameras in Frederick are:

Southbound in the 1700 block of Opossumtown Pike
Westbound in the 7400 block of Hayward Road
Eastbound in the 7300 block of Hayward Road
Southbound in the 1600 block of N Market Street
Northbound in the 1400 block of NE Street
Southbound in the 1400 block of NE Street
Southbound Motter Avenue at N Frederick Elementary School
Southbound 8400 block of Opossumtown Pike
Westbound 1800 block of Schifferstadt Boulevard
Northbound 1500 block of N Market Street
500 block of Hillcrest Drive
Northbound in the 1700 Block of Opossumtown Pike
Southbound in the 1100 block of Motter Avenue
Eastbound in the 1800 block of Schifferstadt Boulevard
Eastbound lanes of Christophers Crossing between Moran Drive and Crestone Drive
Westbound lanes of Christophers Crossing between Moran Drive and Crestone Drive


As part of their decision, the Aldermen agreed to remove the school zone designations  for the Trinity School and the Visitation Academy as both schools have closed their doors.


By Kevin McManus