The money comes from the County’s share of ARPA money.
Frederick, Md. (KM) – Grants have been awarded to 34 Frederick County non-profit organizations. During her public information briefing on Tuesday, County Executive Jan Gardner says the money for these grants come from the County’s share of fundsĀ it received under the American Rescue Plan Act which totals $50.4-million, and can be used by these organizations to help them deal with funding loses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Grant funds could be used to help a non-profit recover revenue gaps or increased expenses,” she says. “Many experienced a drop in fundraising or donations, or experienced a much higher demand for service.”
Gardner also says the organizations being assisted are small non-profits.
“The amount of each grant varies based on proven need and could be as high as 15% of an organization’s annual budget,” she continues. “The minimum grant is $5,000. Combined, the grants total approximately $726,000.”
Some of the non-profits which are receiving grants include groups that provide prenatal care and child birth education to families in need, assistance for the LGBTQ community and their families, and work with senior citizens who don’t speak English and need to access services. “Several programs will also be focused on helping children and families by providing opportunities for children who explore the arts, STEM programs and our local history, and teach adults how to build stronger marriages,” says Gardner.
“Grants will help with economic recovery by drawing shoppers and diners to our main streets, our heritage areas, and community theaters, and offering workforce training and mentoring to single moms and others,” Gardner says.
These non-profits were assisted with ANCHR funds. ANCHR stands for ARPA Non-Profit Community Health and Recovery.
Also at her public information briefing, Gardner announced that several farmers will be receiving financial assistance to help them deal with the high cost of fertilizer. “Particularly, the war in Ukraine caused the cost of fertilizer to sky rocket,” she says. “Some of our farmers have reported fertilizer tripling in price over the course of a year. . I think there’s some examples where it’s even more than tripled.”
“So we set aside $2.4-million of American Rescue Plan Act funds to help cover of fertilizer for Frederick County farmers,” she said. “The Farmer Relief Grants proved to be very popular>’
Gardner says there were over 120 applicants, and funds are being granted to support 72,500 acres of crops for fertilizer. She says that’s about 40% of all the acres of farmland in Frederick County.
She said Frederick County is the only jurisdiction in Maryland and possibly the nation, to support the agriculture industry with ARPA funds.
By Kevin McManus