Frederick County Executive Holds First Of Several Budget Hearings Monday Night

She says she’s listening to ideas from citizens how what to put into her FY 25 Budget.

Frederick, Md (KM) The first of several opportunities for residents to provide input on Frederick County’s proposed fiscal year 2025 budget was held Monday night. County Executive Jessica Fitzwater says residents were invited to offer their ideas on what to put into the spending plan she will put together. .

Board of Education President Sue Johnson said the School System’s budget requests are funding for continued renovation and modernization, and new facilities. “Inflation is added to the price tag of our school construction project significantly,” she said. “But it is as important as ever to make sure our buildings are able to meet the  capacity of our growing student population.”

Another request came in for making the replacement of Brunswick High School a top priority.

But most of the testimony called for the funding of a surgery coordinator at the Animal Shelter who works with veterinarians who spay and neuter  animals which will be put up  for adoption. . “The surgery coordinator will be responsible for everything from scheduling appointments, to surgery preparation, assisting the veterinarians during the procedure and post surgery recovery,” said Dave Lukenbaugh, the Director of Animal Control.

Also speaking in favor was Betsy Brown, a volunteer at the Shelter. “Animal care techs would be able to focus on basic care for shelter pets such as the unending feeding and cleaning duties rather than constantly being pulled in other directions,” she said. “And the Animal Care Supervisor would be able to support foster care providers and network more with rescue organizations.”

And Keith Young also spoke in favor. “Introducing this coordinator role would significantly enhance our ability to provide timely and specialized surgical care for animals in need,” he said. “This position would streamline communications between pet owners, veterinarians and the broader community, ultimately improving the efficiency at the Department of Animal Control.”

County Executive Fitzwater said this is one of many opportunities for residents to express their ideas on what the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget should contain. . She says she will attend budget listening sessions in all five of the Councilmanic districts in January and February, and a second budget hearing will be held in March.

Citizens can also submit their comments on line to

She  says she will be releasing her proposed fiscal year 2025 budget on April 15th. The County Council will hold its hearings on the budget which it  must adopt by May 31st, 2024.

Fiscal year 2025 begins on July 1st, 2024

By Kevin McManus