One Person Injured In House Fire In Washington County

He suffered burns over parts of his body.

House 211 West Antietam St., Sharpsburg, Md (Photo from Md. State Fire Marshal’s Office)

Sharpsburg, Md (KM) A man was injured Monday afternoon while trying to take down a Christmas tree.

The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office says the occupant of a home at 211 West Antietam Street in Sharpsburg identified as Kyle Biser, was removing the tree from the house when it made contact with a propane heater in an enclosed patio.

The tree caught fire, and Biser suffered burns to head, neck and hands.

Fire fighters were dispatched to the home at around 4:30 PM, and spent one-minute putting out the fire.

Damage is estimated at $1,000, but the Fire Marshal’s Office says the house is habitable.

Investigators have labeled the fire accidental.

By Kevin McManus