Faith Debate: April 14th, 2024

Learning to Say I Forgive You

The Faith Debate follows up on the discussion about the controversial “Foot Washing” advertisement with a different type of element in the “He Gets Us” campaign. Some of the online videos are short-form interviews, and one that caught the show’s attention was the one titled, “Learning to Say ‘I Forgive You'”. The Faith Debate panel breaks down this video section-by-section.

This is the second of five episodes featuring this particular panel. All five are available in video format, as one long video, on the Rumble channel for Household of Faith in Christ.

The panel:

Troy Skinner. Pastor, Household of Faith in Christ
David Forsee. 
Pastor, multi-location house church
Daniel Razvi. 
Pastor, Church That Meets at Imran’s
Imran Razvi. 
Founder, Conquered By Love Ministries