City Of Frederick Opens Community Compost Drop Off Center

It’s expected to be convenient for those who live in apartments.

Sign at the compost drop off site (Photo from the City of Frederick)

Frederick, Md (KM) A new community compost drop off site is up and running in the city of Frederick. It’s located at the Willowtree Plaza off of Willowdale Drive. Signs will be posted to direct residents to a green-colored bin used for accepting compostable  material as opposed to the blue dumpsters that accept trash.  . .

City officials say this new compost site makes it easier for those who live in apartments to participate. They can drop off their food scraps and other organic material at this composting bin. .

The city says more than 1300 residents have signed up for composting services which has diverted 671,820 pounds of organic material from landfills since the program began in June, 2022.

In a news release, the City of Frederick says it’s encouraging all residents to take advantage of this free program. It will contribute to a more sustainable community, and help the city minimize its environmental impact.

To sign up and for more information, go to

By Kevin McManus