Tag Archives: FaithDebate

Faith Debate: June 16th, 2024

Faith Debate: June 16th, 2024

The WallBuilders Pastors Briefing The WallBuilders organization hosted a “Pastors Briefing” at the US Capitol where about a dozen speakers (nine of them members of Congress) shared the political status of things “inside the beltway” with about 100 pastors over the course of two days. What was the big takeaway from attending this short conference?…read more »

Faith Debate: December 3rd, 2023

Faith Debate: December 3rd, 2023

The Frankfurt Declaration The Faith Debate surveys The Frankfurt Declaration of Christian and Civil Liberties (which was published in 2022). Unlike our look at other documents and statements throughout 2023, this examination required just one episode. This is episode four of four in an arc of programs recorded in one evening. These are available as…read more »

Faith Debate: November 19th, 2023

Faith Debate: November 19th, 2023

Warrenton Declaration Once More This Faith Debate heads down the homestretch of our look at The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority (which was published in 2021). This particular radio broadcast covers Articles XXIX through XXXII. This is episode six of seven in an arc of programs engaging with the historic document.…read more »

Faith Debate: November 12th, 2023

Faith Debate: November 12th, 2023

Authority in Application to Medical Mandates This Faith Debate picks back up with our look at The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority (which was published in 2021). This particular radio broadcast covers Articles XXIV through XXVIII. This is episode five of seven in an arc of programs engaging with the historic…read more »

Faith Debate: July 2nd, 2023

Faith Debate: July 2nd, 2023

Christian Nationalism: What’s the Path Forward? As mentioned in recent weeks, there’s an unseemly battle royale taking place among Christian conservatives this year. Some of the fight is over semantics, some is over vision for the future, and some of it (sadly) is due to personality conflict. The panel spent six episodes attempting to directly…read more »

Faith Debate: June 25th, 2023

Faith Debate: June 25th, 2023

Christian Nationalism: Where Do Premils, Amils, and Preterists Fit? As mentioned over the past month, there’s an unseemly battle royale taking place among Christian conservatives this year. Some of the fight is over semantics, some is over vision for the future, and some of it (sadly) is due to personality conflict. The panel is spending…read more »

Faith Debate: June 18th, 2023

Faith Debate: June 18th, 2023

Christian Nationalism: Is It Connected to Postmillennial Christianity? As mentioned the previous several weeks, there’s an unseemly battle royale taking place among Christian conservatives this year. Some of the fight is over semantics, some is over vision for the future, and some of it (sadly) is due to personality conflict. The panel is spending six…read more »

Faith Debate: June 11th, 2023

Faith Debate: June 11th, 2023

Christian Nationalism: Different from Christendom or Sharia? As mentioned the previous two weeks, there’s an unseemly battle royale taking place among Christian conservatives this year. Some of the fight is over semantics, some is over vision for the future, and some of it (sadly) is due to personality conflict. The panel is spending six episodes…read more »

Faith Debate: June 4th, 2023

Faith Debate: June 4th, 2023

Christian Nationalism: Is It Theocracy and/or Sacralism? As mentioned last week, there’s an unseemly battle royale taking place among Christian conservatives this year. Some of the fight is over semantics, some is over vision for the future, and some of it (sadly) is due to personality conflict. The panel is spending six episodes attempting to…read more »

Faith Debate: May 28th, 2023

Faith Debate: May 28th, 2023

Christian Nationalism: Defining Theonomy There’s an unseemly battle royale taking place among Christian conservatives this year. Some of the fight is over semantics, some is over vision for the future, and some of it (sadly) is due to personality conflict. The panel spends six episodes attempting to directly expose the issues involved, hoping to forthrightly…read more »